Carole Delga unveils the Ader 4 plan for aeronautics at the Paris Air Show

Par Sophie Arutunian  |   |  317  mots
The Occitania Region announces a €200m plan for the aeronautics sector via the Ader 4 plan. Over the period 2017-2020, 30% more investments will incur compared to previous plans.

On Monday, 19 June at the Occitania / Aerospace Valley / Nouvelle-Aquitaine booth of the Paris Air Show, Carole Delga detailed the new plan for regional aeronautical companies: Ader 4 (Ader = Actions for the Development of Regional Subcontracting Enterprises). As a reminder, three plans were implemented between 2001 and 2014 for which the Region committed a total sum of €157.8m.

The Ader 4 plan is part of the Regional Development Plan for Innovation and Internationalization (SRDEII) and will cover the period 2017-2020 (i.e. until the end of Carole Delga's mandate). €200m will be invested over this period, "30% more compared to what has been invested so far", says the Region.

This envelope will be distributed in the form of aid to companies, in order to simplify the processes: "For projects under €40,000, everything will be 100% feasible on the Internet and the instruction times will be halved, from 80 to 40 days", explained Carole Delga at the Paris Air Show.

 Four working areas

"Since the beginning of the Ader Plan in 2001, we have changed our generation and changed our stakes. Today, the stakes are linked to on-time delivery of quality products, and differentiating internationally", said the President of Region. Four areas have been identified by the Ader plan (which is still being drawn up with the sector players and the State):

  • "Strengthening the supply chain": accompanying the transition from SMEs to ETI and the internationalization of SMEs.
  • "Techno-technological changes": strengthening the links between public research and industry in order to combat global warming. Prepare more electric and more connected aircraft.
  • Human resources: accompany training, learning.

A new feature of this plan is the start of a call for projects to launch "one or two" technological demonstrators dedicated to electric and cleaner aircraft.